Carbesia Archive - Borreliose Nachrichten

Tag Archives: Carbesia

Anaplasmosis in dogs
Anaplasmosis in dogs
The medical history (Anaplasmosis in dogs) of Jacko, a 4 year old cocker spaniel with 14 kg body weight, reads like a tragedy. Jacko was lucky, because his [...]
Lyme disease in dogs
Lyme disease in dogs
One morning at the end of January 2011 Nick‘s (Terrier 3 years old) body temperature had 39,8°C fever and he was apathetic. The visit to the veterinary [...]
Borreliose beim Hund
Borreliose beim Hund
Ende Januar 2011 hatte Nick (Terrier 3 Jahre alt) eines Morgens 39,8°C Fieber und zeigte sich apathisch. Der Besuch in der Tierklinik ergab eine [...]