Wie nagele ich einen Pudding an die Wand?

Diagnosekriterien der Lyme-Borreliose: Wie nagele ich einen Pudding an die Wand?

13. Juli 2015 - Ärzte, Veröffentlichungen

Die eher defizitäre infektiologische Ausbildung der deutschen Ärzteschaft führt recht zügig zur Psychosomatisierung der Borreliose-Patienten.

Pudding-an-die-WandSpeziell die Neurologen mit 2. Facharzttitel Psychiatrie haben eine Tendenz die Lehrmeinungen ihrer eigenen Studienzeit hoch zu halten und neben der neurologischen Untersuchung gleich noch den psychiatrischen Bereich mit abzurechnen. Wen wundert da die Ausweitung des Psycho-Booms in Deutschland?

Herr Püttmann hält in diesem Beitrag ein Plädoyer für gewissenhafte Einzelfallrecherche……..

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2 Kommentare

had similar symtpoms. Couldn’t concentrate on anything with short memory capability down to nothing.At a certain moment I took a carton of milk from the fridge, pored a glass and stuffed the milk in a kitchen drawer! I really thought I was going banana’s.On other moments I decided to pick up my work again, went to my car to find out that I had totally forgotten where I was going. Thanks to the little yellow sticking notes from 3M I managed to create some kind of system that enabled me to function is secure mode‘. I must say it was a most humbling experience. It took me more than a year before the usual clear thinking and memory came back. I also suffered great set backs when I got the flu. I simple common cold resulted in a severe sinusitus which was battled with antibiotics but in reality made it worse.That was until, thanks to the internet, I found out that that I developed an allergy which was stimulated by the use of antibiotics.From that moment on I took antihistamine instead of antibiotics and the problems were solved overnight. I haven’t been ill since.As for the Puffington Host, I don’t waste a single minute of my time on that blog. You know dumb asses, sell outs and dimocrats.


Interessanter Post. Bestimt keine schlechte Sache, sich mit der Thematik näher auseinander zusetzen. Werde sicher die nächsten Artikel lesen.


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